Asake My Love by Alilionu Colins

Asake My Love

Asake, daughter of the great hunter Ajadi.

Your beauty is likened to the rainbows

Beautiful as your colours are. 
Your breast stands hanging

Firmly placed on your chest 

Seen by only great men. 

Men who crossed the seven seas

For to see first hand

The beauty of the heavens 

Placed in one body. 
Your beauty, indeed made my friend from the East

Scream ‘things fall apart!!’ 
Asake, your are the reason behind the hunters chase. 

The tiger elopes with the antelope

The dog with the grasscutter. 

Only to place at your feet, 

The struggles of a thousand years. 
Asake, you remain the water i drinks. 

You remain the words I speak. 

You are the sight my eyes behold. 

You are my love, 

Thou daughter of the mighty warrior. 

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